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Abstract #0987

Rosette Spectroscopic Imaging with Hadamard Encoding

Claudiu Schirda 1 , Tiejun Zhao 2 , Julie Pan 1 , and Hoby Hetherington 1

1 Radiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2 Siemens Medical Solutions, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Fast, high-sensitivity Rosette Spectroscopic Imaging (RSI) with Hadamard encoding is demonstrated in-vivo brain for four 10mm slices, 24x24 matrix, fov=240mm, 8-minute acquisition, with reduced gradient demands (maximum slew rate of 40mT/m/ms and maximum gradient readout of 5mT/m). Spectra for all voxels are processed and metabolites are quantified with an automated processing pipeline using LCModel.

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