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Abstract #0965

Effect of hypobaric pressure on MRI parameters, including B0, T2, T2*, and T1

Eric R. Muir 1 , Damon P. Cardenas 1 , and Timothy Q. Duong 1

1 Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States

High-altitude, where air pressure and thus oxygen content are reduced, could lead to a broad spectrum of disorders in the brain, such as white matter hyperintensity and brain swelling. Previous studies investigated high altitude sickness post exposure. Studies of the brain during hypobaric conditions could lead to a better understanding of its effects. In this work, we constructed an MRI-compatible hypobaric chamber for animal MRI scanner and performed B0 and relaxation time measurements during acute hypobaric exposure. B0 was slightly shifted under hypobaric pressure, and T2 and T2* were decreased under hypobaric air.

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