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Abstract #0884

Breast Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Reduced Artifacts using Multi-band Spin Echo EPI

Patrick J Bolan 1 , Steen Moeller 1 , Gregory J Metzger 1 , Edward J Auerbach 1 , Christophe Lenglet 1 , Dingxin Wang 1,2 , Peter Kollasch 2 , Vibhas Deshpande 2 , Sudhir Ramanna 1 , Michael T Nelson 1 , Kamil Ugurbil 1 , and Essa Yacoub 1

1 Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2 Siemens Healthcare, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is increasingly being used for diagnosing and monitoring treatment response in breast cancer. The spin-echo EPI sequence commonly used for DWI is, however, prone to artifacts from B 0 offsets and fat, leading to distortions and artifacts in breast imaging. In this work we use a multi-band accelerated pulse sequence to acquire sagittally, and then reformat to produce the axial images desired for interpretation. This approach produces breast diffusion images with reduced distortion, chemical shift artifacts, and improved effective resolution in all three dimensions.

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