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Abstract #0863

Speeding-up MR acquisitions using ultrasound signals, and scanner-less real-time MR imaging

Frank Preiswerk 1 , W. Scott Hoge 1 , Matthew Toews 1 , Jr-yuan George Chiou 1 , Laurent Chauvin 1 , Lawrence P. Panych 1 , and Bruno Madore 1

1 Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States

Imaging respiratory motion in the abdomen using MR is a challenge because of the limited speed of subsequent MR acquisitions. We developed a hybrid MR-US setup that exploits the very high acquisition rates of a 1d ultrasound probe for boosting the temporal resolution of MR image sequences. The 1d ultrasound data provides a fingerprint of the complex abdominal configuration at any respiratory state. Previously-acquired MR data are combined based on these fingerprints to produce a high-speed image sequence. The system even allows to continue "acquiring" MR images outside the scanner, based solely on the US signal.

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