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Abstract #0855

Q-spoiling method using depletion mode Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMT devices at 1.5T

Jonathan Y Lu 1 , Kamal Aggarwal 1 , Thomas Grafendorfer 2 , Fraser Robb 3 , John M Pauly 1 , and Greig C Scott 1

1 Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2 Advanced Coils, GEHC Coils, Stanford, CA, United States, 3 GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States

We demonstrate a novel Q-spoiling method using a depletion mode Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMT device. This device, when unbiased, ideally acts as a short and when biased with a negative gate-to-source voltage acts as an open switch. Using this device, we constructed a coil that is Q-spoiled when unpowered and at resonance with an applied gate to source voltage. Compared with the conventional Q-spoiling method using a PIN diode, the new circuit requires less power and yields comparable SNR coil measurements. In addition, the default Q-spoiled state allows greater safety benefits, and easier decoupling with multiple coils.

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