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Abstract #0816

3D FatNav: Prospective Motion Correction for Clinical Brain Imaging

Magnus Mrtensson 1,2 , Mathias Engstrm 2,3 , Enrico Avventi 3 , Ola Norbeck 3 , and Stefan Skare 2,3

1 EMEA Research & Collaboration, GE Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 2 Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 Dept. of Neuroradiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

In this work we have shown that the previously reported technique FatNav can be used in a clinical setting. A 3dFatNav navigation sequence have been added to a clinical T1 imaging sequence, with and without FatSat. The imaging sequence is prospectively corrected with motion estimates from the navigator sequence which is an EPI based 3dFatNav sequence. Using only the fat signal, which is very spares, extreme acceleration factors can be used, in this work we have used R=16 with a standard clinical 8-ch coil. The high acceleration factors allow for a very short acquisition time for the navigator, <5ms. Using this technique motion artifacts can be greatly reduced, without affecting the main sequence since only the fat signal is used for navigation, not touching water signal, and without increasing the scan time more then ~2-5 %.

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