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Abstract #0675

Multiparametric hybrid 18FDG-PET/MRI in patients with Multiple Myeloma: initial experience

Jennifer Mosebach 1 , Christos Sachpekidis 2 , Martin Freitag 1 , Jens Hillengass 3 , Antonia Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss 2 , Uwe Haberkorn 4 , Heinz-Peter Schlemmer 1 , and Stefan Delorme 1

1 Department of Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2 Clinical Cooperation Unit Nuclear Medicine, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 3 Department of Medicine V, Multiple Myeloma Section, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 4 Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Hybrid PET/MRI examinations offer an innovative approach to simultaneously depict metabolic as well as functional and anatomical MR parameters. Fifteen patients newly diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma received whole body PET/MRI including Diffusion-weighted Imaging (DWI). Lesion by lesion based analysis as well as comparison of standard-uptake-values (SUV) and Apparent-diffusion-coefficient (ADC)- values were conducted. For the detection of focal bone marrow infiltrates, PET and DWI can be complementary, with PET displaying more lesions located in ribs, whereas DWI seems to have advantages discovering lesions masked by the surrounding diffuse myeloma infiltrate. Those patients could therefore especially benefit from multimodality imaging.

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