Abstract #0618
Separating water and olefinic fat peaks using diffusion-weighted MRS and diffusion constraint fitting to measure vertebral bone marrow fat unsaturation
Stefan Ruschke 1 , Michael Dieckmeyer 1 , Hendrik Kooijman 2 , Axel Haase 3 , Ernst J. Rummeny 1 , Jan S. Bauer 4 , Thomas Baum 1 , and Dimitrios C. Karampinos 1
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich,
Bayern, Germany,
Healthcare, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany,
fr Medizintechnik, Technische Universitt Mnchen,
Garching, Bayern, Germany,
Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Bayern, Germany
Bone marrow fat composition has been attracting
significant attention due to its connection to bone
health. Vertebral bone marrow fat unsaturation has been
traditionally quantified relying on the olefinic fat
peak in the spectrum from a single-voxel short-TE MRS
experiment. However, the broad peaks in the vertebral
bone marrow MR spectrum and the presence of a strong
water peak next to the olefinic peak can hinder a
reliable extraction of the olefinic fat peak. The
present work proposes a diffusion-weighted MRS
experiment to extract the olefinic fat peak relying on
the large difference in the diffusion coefficient
between water and fat using a diffusion constraint
fitting routine.
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