Abstract #0566
Panchromatic sharpening of FOD-based DEC maps by structural T1 information
Thijs Dhollander 1 , David Raffelt 1 , Robert Elton Smith 1 , and Alan Connelly 1,2
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and
Mental Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia,
Florey Department of Neuroscience, University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) acquisitions typically
suffer from a lower spatial resolution, compared to
their T1 structural counterparts, but provide unique
angular information. Researchers and clinical users may
often find themselves switching back and forth between
the "traditional" directionally-encoded colour (DEC) FA
map and a T1 map to navigate anatomy, or try to overlay
them using (partial) transparency. We propose a
panchromatic sharpening approach tailored to (FOD-based)
DEC and (T1) structural information to create a single
fused image. The resulting contrast is striking and
allows for easy identification of various anatomical
structures beyond the resolution of the DWI data.
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