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Abstract #0542

Slab-selective pTX Multiband TOF Angiography at 7 Tesla

Sebastian Schmitter 1 , Xiaoping Wu 1 , Steen Moeller 1 , Edward John Auerbach 1 , Gregor Adriany 1 , Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele 1 , and Kamil Ugurbil 1

1 Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Time-of-flight (TOF) angiography significantly benefits from ultra-high field ( greater than or equal to 7T) allowing for improved angiographic contrast and higher spatial resolution. However, high-resolution TOF at 7T is associated with challenges: higher resolution requires longer acquisition and despite stronger contrast, the latter is spatially heterogeneous due to shorter RF wavelength at 7T. Previously, we have addressed spatial heterogeneity by utilizing a 16-channel pTX system together with spoke RF pulses. In this work we aim to address both challenges, heterogeneity AND acquisition time by applying a pTX multi-band technique on a 16-channel pTX system to simultaneously excite multiple TOF slabs while achieving homogeneous contrast.

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