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Abstract #0423

13 C MRS of the brain without decoupling

Keshav Datta 1 , Arif Wibowo 2 , Stephen R. Lynch 2 , and Daniel Spielman 3

1 Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2 Dept. of Chemistry, Stanford University, CA, United States, 3 Dept. of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

We propose an improved Proton Observed Carbon Edited (POCE) method, PROCEED, that eliminates splitting due to short-range 13 C- 1 H J-coupling. Although the overall SNR for the PROCEED method is √2 less than that achieved using a decoupled POCE acquisition, spectral simplification and reduced metabolite peak overlap is achieved without SAR-intensive decoupling. The elimination of decoupling makes in vivo 13 C MRS of neuroenergetics and neurotransmitter cycling potentially viable for studies throughout the human brain.

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