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Abstract #0346

Assessing Diffusion Time Effects on Microstructural Comparment Estimates in Human White Matter using 7T dwSTEAM

Silvia De Santis 1,2 , Derek K Jones 1 , and Alard Roebroeck 2

1 CUBRIC Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2 Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

The purpose of this work is to analyse the impact of diffusion time in estimating axonal density and axonal diameters using STEAM diffusion at 7T. Using a 2-ways ANOVA, we demonstrate that the estimates of axonal density obtained at different diffusion times are significantly different. In addition, by accounting for the diffusion time dependency of the extra-axonal signal, we show that estimates of axonal diameter in agreement with histology can be obtained.

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