Abstract #0305
Comprehensive analysis of temperature rise generated by a titanium rod inside 1.5T MRI RF whole body coil
Mikhail Kozlov 1,2 and Gregor Schaefers 1
MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine
Westphalia, Germany,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
We investigated temperature rise generated by a
reference titanium rod inside 1.5T whole body coil and
3D EM and temperature simulation simplification
consequences. The induced temperature rise normalized to
incident tangential electric field was found to be
dependent on distance to the phantom wall. In all
simulation temperature rise of rod tip and especially
inside rod hole was found noticeable less than maximum
temperature rise in ASTM liquid. Influence of fiber
glass temperature probe on power deposition and
temperature rise in vicinity of the probe should be
taken into account when uncertainty budget is
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