Abstract #0240
RARE/Turbo Spin Echo Imaging with Simultaneous MultiSlice Wave-CAIPI
Borjan Gagoski 1 , Berkin Bilgic 2 , Cornelius Eichner 2 , Himanshu Bhat 3 , P. Ellen Grant 1 , Lawrence L Wald 2 , and Kawin Setsompop 2
Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA,
United States,
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United
Medical Solutions, Charlestown, MA, United States
The acquisition of RARE imaging, which is the most
commonly used clinical sequence, can be lengthy
particularly if high isotropic resolution is desired.
RARE can be accelerated using Simultaneous MultiSlice (SMS)
imaging, which enables acceleration without reducing the
number of k-space lines, and hence without √R penalty.
Recently, MB=8 acceleration in SMS-RARE imaging at 2mm
slice resolution has been achieved by Norris et al.,
through a combination of low-SAR PINS refocusing pulse
and blipped-CAIPI parallel imaging method which limits
g-factor noise amplification. In this work, we push
further in this direction to achieve MB=15 acceleration
to allow high quality 1mm isotropic resolution
whole-brain T2-weighted RARE imaging to be performed in
just 70s. This acceleration level was achieved through a
combination of i) MultiPINS RF pulse which reduces SAR
of SMS refocusing pulse further by another 2 fold and
ii) Wave-CAIPI parallel imaging method which enables
MB=15 acceleration at very minor g-factor penalty (gmax=1.41
and gavg=1.12). This highly accelerated RARE sequence
can accelerate clinical imaging to increase patient
throughput while achieving high quality, high isotropic
resolution data.
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