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Abstract #0160

Hyperpolarized gas MR diffusion simulations and experiments in realistic 3D models and phantoms of human acinar airways

Juan Parra-Robles 1 , Bart Veeckmans 2 , Madhwesha Rao 1 , James C Hogg 3 , and Jim M Wild 1

1 University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2 Materialise, Leuven, Belgium, 3 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The validity of current theoretical models of hyperpolarized gas MR diffusion used to quantify lung microstructure is limited by their use of simplified geometries. This work describes de development of realistic geometric models of human lung microstructure based on micro-CT images of excised lung samples. These models are used in numerical simulations of gas MR diffusion and to create realistic phantoms by 3D printing, which are used in 3 He MR experiments to validate modelling results. These models and phantoms provide a new simulation and experimental framework to develop new MR methods and theoretical models to study lung anatomy and physiology.

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