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Abstract #0138

MEG and fMRI localization of infrasonic and low-frequency sound

Markus Weichenberger 1 , Rdiger Brhl 2 , Martin Bauer 2 , Robert Khler 2 , Albrecht Ihlenfeld 2 , Johannes Hensel 2 , Christian Koch 2 , Bernd Ittermann 2 , Simone Khn 1 , and Tilmann Sander 2

1 Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany, 2 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig und Berlin, Germany

Infrasound is a potential hazard to human health. This multimodal study is targeting the perception of infrasound and low-frequency sound in humans. Sinusoidal acoustic stimuli of seven frequencies (8, 12, 20 , 40, 63, 125, 250 Hz) were individually calibrated for 15 volunteers and applied while conducting a MEG and fMRI study. Location and amplitude of the activated brain area were analyzed for both modalities showing different frequency dependencies. Although the reception of the infrasound is mainly tactile only brain activation in the region of the auditorial cortex was found.

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