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Abstract #4931

On the E-field construction/deconstruction and B1+ Efficiency/Homogeneity with Transmit Array Eigen Modes

Yujuan Zhao 1 , Tiejun Zhao 2 , Narayanan Krishnamurthy 1 , and Tamer S. Ibrahim 1

1 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2 Siemens Medical Solutions, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The inhomogeneous distribution of the excitation field (B1+) and the potential rise in local RF absorption (SAR) are two of the major obstacles hampering potential clinical applications of the ultrahigh field human MRI (7T and higher.) Ideally, the quadrature excitation construction will give the most efficient B1+ field and the destruction of the central E fields will generate less SAR (less power absorptions. While there could be many different optimization solutions (we include many of which into several of our in-vivo studies) for the RF excitation that achieve a very similar fidelity to the targeted excitation pattern (homogenous B1+ field), minimizing the local SAR and maximizing the B1+ efficiency are two of the most important constraints of the optimization procedure.

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fieldefficiencypowerexcitationtransmitin vivo