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Abstract #4565

Acquisition of numerical, objective information on the Perfusion Territory Area using t-test based perfusion area measurement from multiple time points territorial arterial spin labeling (tASL)

Makoto Obara 1 , Morio Nagahata 2 , Tomoyuki Okuaki 3 , Nobuko Minagawa 4 , Masanobu Nakamura 1 , and Marc Van Cauteren 3

1 Philips Electronics Japan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Stroke Center, Yamagata City Hospital SAISEIKAN, Yamagata, Japan, 3 Philips Healthcare, Asia Pacific, Tokyo, Japan, 4 Department of Radiology, Yamagata City Hospital SAISEIKAN, Yamagata, Japan

The multiple time points territorial arterial spin labelling (tASL) was conducted in healthy volunteers and patients with cerebrovascular occlusive disease. We propose an accumulated-area map, accumulating the perfusion pixels picked up by t-test, of all phases in each vessel territory. We also calculate the Percentage Perfusion-Territory Area (%PT-A) from the accumulated-area map. We discuss the validity and clinical usefulness of this unique approach to the tASL.

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