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Abstract #4243

A method to obtain high resolution MRS through simultaneous acquisition of iZQC and iDQC signals under inhomogeneous magnetic fields

Yanqin Lin 1 , Liandi Zhang 1 , Zhiliang Wei 1 , Liangjie Lin 1 , Shuhui Cai 1 , and Zhong Chen 1

1 Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China

The inherent heterogeneity of the samples or living organisms can lead to magnetic field fluctuations and losses of local homogeneity. Intermolecular multiple quantum coherences (iMQCs) can be used to obtain high resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) under field inhomogeneity. Since iMQC signals are phase-modulated, absolute value spectra are usually used for high resolution projection, which introduces unfavorable line broadening. Here, a pulse sequence is designed to simultaneously acquire intermolecular zero quantum coherence (iZQC) and intermolecular double quantum coherence (iDQC) signals. Double absorption lineshape is achieved through a combination of iZQC and iDQC signal, thus doubling the spectral resolution.

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spectrumresolutionfieldinhomogeneouscombineddoubleintermolecularquantumseparatedspectralpulsepulsescoherencefieldsin vivosimultaneoussolventwidthacquisitiondimensioninhomogeneityprojectionschemespectratogetherchinacoherencesdoublingemployedrespectivelyrotationselective