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Abstract #4036

Understanding the Heterogeneity of Brain Metastases from Breast Cancer: Lessons from New Models and Experimental Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Donna Murrell 1,2 , Robbert van Gorkum 1 , Amanda Hamilton 1 , Christiane Mallett 1 , Brunilde Gril 3 , Ann Chambers 2,4 , Patricia Steeg 3 , and Paula Foster 1,2

1 Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 2 Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, 3 National Cancer Institute, Maryland, United States, 4 London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada

Few preclinical models exist to study HER2+ brain metastatic breast cancer. Here, we employ MRI techniques and correlative histology to characterize three murine models of HER2+ brain metastatic breast cancer (SUM190-BR3, JIMT1-BR3, 231BR-HER2). We use 3D anatomical MRI of the mouse brain to illustrate the incidence, distribution and size of brain metastases and contrast-enhanced MRI that provides information about the integrity of the blood-tumour barrier (BTB). Our findings reflect the substantial heterogeneity of this disease; understanding the imaging appearance and underlying biology of these tumours is vital to early diagnosis and advancements in treatment strategies.

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