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Abstract #3902

Circular Tagging with Concentric Data Acquisition: Can we go real-time?

Shokoufeh Golshani 1 , Abbas N Moghaddam 1 , Holden H Wu 2 , and J. Paul Finn 2

1 BME, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2 Radiological Science, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In circular tagging, the information of tag lines which is used for strain imaging lies on an annular region in the k-space that can be collected efficiently through concentric sequence in shorter scan times. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of real-time data acquisition for strain imaging through the effective k-space concentric sampling. We showed that by acquisition of a small fraction of the k-space data (approximately 11%), we can still reconstruct the image in an effective way and extract the tag lines information required for strain analysis and this will be very promising for real-time strain imaging.

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