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Abstract #3868

Volumetric Phase Contrast Imaging of the Hepatic Vasculature

Joseph W Owen, MD 1 , Kathryn J Fowler, MD 1 , Nael E Saad, MBBCh 1 , Agus Priatna 2 , Michael Crowley, PhD 1 , and Vamsi R Narra, MD, FRCR 1

1 Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 2 Siemens Healthcare USA, Ballwin, MO, United States

Portal hypertension (PHTN) creates complex flow dynamics. Treatments aim to reduce the morbidity by reducing the portosystemic gradient and/or treating varices. Treatments have variable success depending on flow dynamics in the portal venous system. We successfully imaged normal patients, patients with PHTN and patients after placement of TIPS with volumetric phase contrast free breathing technique. The results were compared with invasive wedge and free hepatic vein pressures and Doppler ultrasound. In the future, volumetric phase contrast MRI may provide reproducible user-independent velocity and flow quantification information in a patients with PHTN assisting in both pre-procedure planning and post-procedure follow-up.

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