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Abstract #3851

Highly Accelerated Phase Contrast Imaging using Compressed Sensing and Iterative Reconstruction for High Resolution Short Breathhold Flow Acquisitions

Andreas Greiser 1 , Michael Zenge 1 , Michaela Schmidt 1 , Peter Speier 1 , and Edgar Mueller 1

1 Siemens AG Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany

We demonstrate the feasibility of using L1 regularized wavelet based compressed sensing for Cartesian MR flow imaging (CS Flow) with an acceleration factor of R=7.7 and inline reconstruction and compare it to a standard breathhold flow protocol with GRAPPA R=2. Temporal resolution and level of regularization were varied. Forward volume and peak velocity results had similar reproducibility and correlated well with the reference (r 2 >0.97) but were slightly higher (+4.83%/+7.84%). Stronger regularization improved SNR but temporal fidelity could be maintained. CS Flow can provide higher resolution and shorter breathholds and can easily be integrated in a clinical workflow.

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