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Abstract #3833

Evaluation of the reversibility of the binding between a targeted CA and its receptor by in vitro micro-MRI

Nicolas Gargam 1 , Luc Darrasse 1 , Philippe Robert 2 , Jean-Christophe Ginefri 1 , Jean-Sbastien Raynaud 2 , and Marie Poirier-Quinot 1

1 IR4M - UMR 8081, Universit Paris Sud XI, Orsay, France, 2 Imaging and Biological Research, Guerbet, Paris, France

In this study, we introduce an in vitro set-up that allows to control the binding of a targeted CA to its receptor by micro-MRI. Experiments inspired by the BIAcore system were realized and allowed to know the kinetics of a CA towards its receptor. This new technique could help optimizing the in vivo protocols especially for the optimal time between the injection of the CA and the imaging acquisition.

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