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Abstract #3745

Ultrafast high-resolution spectroscopy with asymmetrical gradients under inhomogeneous magnetic fields

Zhiliang Wei 1 , Liangjie Lin 1 , Jian Yang 1 , Yanqin Lin 1 , and Zhong Chen 1

1 Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China

In spite of the importance of localized two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy, two aspects restrain its wider applications, namely long acquisition time and poor performances under inhomogeneous magnetic fields. Here, a scheme addressed as asymmetrical gradient based single-scan spatiotemporal localized correlated spectroscopy (AGE-SEL-COSY) is proposed for ultrafast high-resolution recording of 2D correlated spectra under inhomogeneous magnetic fields. Experiments have been carried out on chemical solution and biological tissue to prove the robustness of AGE-SEL-COSY against inhomogeneity. It offers important perspectives for fast in vivo analyses of metabolites and living inhomogeneous organisms.

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