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Abstract #3712

Field drift compensation for MR thermometry using independent field probe measurements

Vincent O. Boer 1 , Tijl van der Velden 1 , Max Kohler 2 , Chrit Moonen 1 , Dennis W.J. Klomp 1 , and Clemens Bos 1

1 UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2 Philips Medical Systems, Vantaa, Finland

Magnetic field drift compromises proton resonance frequency shift MR thermometry by adding a phase term over time which is misinterpreted as temperature change. For hyperthermia procedures, stable MR thermometry is needed over 10 minutes or more. Here, a field probe was used to independently measure field drift and compensate temperature mapping. In the upper legs of a volunteer, drift effects were reduced from 5.4C to within well within 1C over a 16 minute scan with full gradient system use. Results were comparable or better than compensation using the phase evolution in a user defined region of interest.

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