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Abstract #3708

High framerate positive contrast needle tracking: Compressed Sensing and view-sharing accelerated co-RASOR reconstruction

Frank Zijlstra 1 , Bo S. van Leeuwen 2 , and Peter R. Seevinck 1

1 Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2 Dept. of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

We propose a method for fast MRI needle tracking using Compressed Sensing, view-sharing and co-RASOR reconstruction of a 2D radial UTE acquisition. The method reconstructs positive contrast at the location of the needle at a high temporal resolution, as well an anatomical background image at a lower temporal resolution, but with increased spatial resolution. Results in a phantom show good needle contrast at 4x acceleration, resulting in about 4 frames per second for the needle image and about 1 frame per second for the background image.

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