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Abstract #3706

All-in-one interventional MR elastography (MRE) system dedicated to MR-guided percutaneous procedures

Nadge Corbin 1 , Elodie Breton 1 , Quentin Boehler 1 , Laurent Barb 1 , Pierre Renaud 1 , Michel de Mathelin 1 , and Jonathan Vappou 1

1 ICube, Universit de Strasbourg, CNRS, Strasbourg, France

An all-in-one interventional Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) system is developed in order to provide supplementary contrast based on biomechanical properties. Shear waves are generated inside the tissue with a piezoelectric needle driver. Induced waves are visualized in phase images acquired with an interactive real-time spoiled gradient echo sequence including motion sensitizing gradients with fractional encoding. An online inverse problem solver based on the local frequency estimation algorithm computes the elastogram in real-time. The complete interventional MRE system is successfully tested on a heterogeneous gelatin phantom with a total acquisition time of 2.15s per elastogram.

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