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Abstract #3700

MRI/X-ray fusion for overlay guidance during congenital heart disease catheterization procedures

Erin Girard 1 , Tanja Kurzendorfer 1 , Kevin Gralewski 2 , Norbert Strobel 3 , and Yoav Dori 2

1 Corporate Technology, Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens Corporation, Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 2 Cardiology, The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3 Imaging and Therapy Division, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Germany

Fusion of 2D x-ray images and 3D MRI datasets (XMRF) brings the MRI into the cath lab for online navigation and guidance during catheterization procedures. We present a new biplane method for XMRF using a prototype system and describe the accuracy of the resulting 2D roadmap (overlay) when rendered from an underlying, registered 3D MRI. We describe various visualization methods and demonstrate the clinical utility for complex congenital heart disease procedures.

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