Abstract #3678
Influence of magnetic susceptibility on absolute temperature as measured directly from the water/fat frequency shift.
Paul Baron 1 , Martijn de Greef 1 , Roel Deckers 1 , Chris J.G. Bakker 1 , Job G. Bouwman 1 , and Lambertus W. Bartels 1
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
During thermal therapies, measurements of the absolute
temperature are needed to calculate the thermal dose.
Deriving the absolute temperature directly from the
water/fat(w/f) frequency difference has been proposed.
The method assumes that the intra-voxel water and fat
components experience the same magnetic field despite
the fact that water and fat have slightly different
magnetic susceptibilities. Here we investigate the
influence of magnetic susceptibility distribution on the
measured absolute temperature, both experimentally and
with simulations. The results show a larger variation in
measured temperature for a heterogeneous w/f
distribution (

such as the breast, than for a more homogenous
distribution (

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