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Abstract #3641

A Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration Approach for Accurate Quantification of DCE-MRI in Characterizing Ovarian Cancers

Elahe Kia 1,2 , Anahita Fathi Kazerooni 1,2 , Alireza Ahmadian 1 , and Hamidreza Saligheh Rad 1,2

1 Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Department, School of Medicine,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2 Quantitative MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, Research Center for Cellular and Molecular Imaging,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) has shown to be promising for quantitative assessment of complex ovarian cancers. Quantification of DCE-MR images could be affected by motion artifacts and intensity inhomogeneity induced by bias fields. Proper selection of a registration algorithm could impact the outcome of this problem. In this work, we proposed an efficient non-rigid registration method in a group-wise setting to non-rigidly align DCE-MR images to reliable quantification of ovarian masses.

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