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Abstract #3639

Carcinosarcoma of the Uterus: MR Findings including Diffusion-weighted imaging and in-vivo proton MR Spectroscopy

Mayumi Takeuchi 1 , Kenji Matsuzaki 1 , and Masafumi Harada 1

1 Department of Radiology, University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan

We evaluated the MR findings (morphologic appearances, ADC values on DWI and metabolite concentration on MRS) of pathologically proven 11 carcinosarcomas of the uterus. The mean and minimum ADCs were 0.92+/-0.21, and 0.73+/-0.16, respectively. The choline and lipid concentrations (mM) were 5.38+/-2.83 and 145.39+/-122.65, respectively. We conclude that large exophytic endometrial mass, often exhibiting gtumor prolapseh, containing strongly enhanced areas may suggest carcinosarcoma. Relatively higher mean ADC with low minimum ADC, relative low choline concentration and high lipid peak may reflect internal heterogeneity of carcinosarcoma due to the admixture of high-grade malignant tumor cells, necrosis, and epithelial glandular cystic components.

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