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Abstract #3585

Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Combining Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced and Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Pretransplant Patients: Emphasis on the Severity of Liver Cirrhosis

Jiyoung Hwang 1 , Young Kon Kim 2 , Mi Hee Lee 3 , and Hyun-joo Kim 4

1 Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2 Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 3 Radiology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 4 Department of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, S, Korea

Tomoyuki Okuaki 1 , Yukihisa Takayama 2 , Akihiko Nishie 3 , Makoto Obara 4 , Tetsuo Ogino 4 , Hiroshi Honda 3 , and Marc Van Cauteren 1
1 Philips Healthcare APAC, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Department of Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis, Kyushu University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan, 3 Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Department of clinical Radiology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 4 Philips Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan

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