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Abstract #3537

Enhanced 129Xe Hyper-CEST Efficiency Using PK11195 Functionalized Cryptophane-A

Krista M. Dowhos 1,2 , Matthew S. Fox 3 , Iain K. Ball 3 , Tao Li 3,4 , Gowtham Gajawada 3,4 , Jordan Wentzell 4 , Brenton DeBoef 5 , and Mitchell S. Albert 3,4

1 Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, 2 Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, 3 Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, Ontario, Canada, 4 Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada, 5 Rhode Island University, Rhode Island, United States

The combination of hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST), Hyper-CEST, can potentially enhance MR sensitivity by 108, making it a promising molecular imaging technique via MRI. In this study, we employ a Hyper-CEST pulse sequence at 3T, which uses pulsed saturation to lower SAR and provides an unprecedented 87% depletion in 129Xe(dissolved) signal. In addition, we used the same pulse sequence to demonstrate Hyper-CEST imaging, which may eventually allow for molecular imaging of inflammation sites in the body caused by diseases such as COPD and arthritis, due to the ability of PK11195 to target these pathologies.

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