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Abstract #3535

Comparison of Calculated Specific Ventilation using the 'Wash-in' and 'Wash-out' Hyperpolarized 3 He MRI Techniques

Sarmad Siddiqui 1 , Mehrdad Pourfathi 1 , Hooman Hamedani 1 , Yi Xin 1 , Hoora Shaghaghi 1 , Stephen J. Kadlecek 1 , and Rahim R. Rizi 1

1 Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States

It has been previously demonstrated that hyperpolarized (HP) 3He MRI can be used to construct regional fractional ventilation maps by imaging HP signal build up, by delivering several HP breaths, each followed by a breath hold for image acquisition. More recently, it was shown [2] that a similar regional fractional ventilation map could be constructed by fitting the signal decay after only one inhalation of HP gas. In this study, we compare the regional fractional ventilation maps generated by both the wash-in and wash-out methods to determine the robustness of the wash-out method compared to the wash-in method.

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