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Abstract #3502

Multi-atlas label propagation for accurate anatomical segmentation of rat brain images

Josiane YANKAM NJIWA 1 , Rolf Heckemann 2 , Nicolas Costes 3 , Sandrine Bouvard 3,4 , Caroline Bouillot 3 , Luc Zimmer 3,4 , and Alexander Hammers 5

1 Neurodis Foundation, Lyon, Rhone alpes, France, 2 University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 CERMEP-Imagerie du vivant, Lyon, France, 4 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon, Lyon, France, 5 Neurodis Foundation, lyon, Rhone, France

Accurate image registration that enables comparisons within and between subjects and determination of how regions are affected by pathological or physiological processes remains challenging. Automated multi-atlas based approaches have been proposed for the human brain. They provide highly accurate structural segmentations by propagating manual delineations from multiple atlases and consolidating them in the space of a target image. The aim of this work was to develop a corresponding method for automatically defining ROIs on MR images of rat brains. Visual assessments confirmed the success of the segmentation method on normal as well as on pathological MR rat brain images.

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