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Abstract #3387

High-Resolution Metabolic Neuroimaging

William D Rooney 1 , Manoj K. Sammi 1 , Xin Li 1 , Brendan Moloney 1 , Yosef A. Berlow 1 , Dennis N. Bourdette 2 , and Charles S. Springer, Jr. 1

1 Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United States, 2 Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United States

Current metabolic imaging methods suffer from spatial resolution poorer than desired. Shutter-speed pharmacokinetic analyses of DCE-MRI data provides the mean capillary water lifetime, tau b , with ~1 mm resolution. Here, we show the first ever tau b maps for the normal and MS human brains. By comparison with another pharmacokinetic biomarker and with other metabolic imaging results, we show that tau b is inversely proportional to on-going neuronal Na + /K + ATPase activity. This activity is decreased in the MS brain.

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