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Abstract #3309

Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Stroke with Corrections for Relaxation and MT effects

Zhongliang Zu 1 , Hua Li 1 , Junzhong Xu 1 , Daniel F Gochberg 1 , and John C Gore 1

1 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States

Conventional measurements of APT contrast are confounded by several factors including water relaxation, the influence of solid components, and nearby amines, and so are not specific for detecting changes in concentration or exchange rate of amides. These confounding factors vary during ischemia influence pH measurements. In this study, a novel method named CERT ex is described which corrects for such factors and produces images that are more specifically k sw (and thus pH) dependent. Simulations and experiments show that CERT ex has better specificity and sensitivity than conventional APT imaging methods for delineating effects of stroke at 9.4 T.

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