Abstract #3262
Improving the accuracy of 2D phase unwrapping using a triplanar approach.
Simon Daniel Robinson 1 , Barbara Dymerska 1 , and Siegfried Trattnig 1
Department of Biomedical Imaging und
Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Wraps in phase images can be removed by spatial
unwrapping in 2D or 3D. Generally, 2D is more prone to
errors and 3D is very time consuming. 2D phase
unwrapping is nearly universally performed in the axial
plane. We investigate the possibility of increasing the
accuracy of 2D phase unwrapping by unwrapping in other
planes, and by combining the results of unwrapping in
the three primary planes - Triplanar unwrapping. Results
from simulated and high resolution in-vivo 7T data show
that unwrapping in the sagittal plane is superior to
axial, and the Triplanar approach reduces errrors to
close to zero.
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