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Abstract #3189

Real time changes of phase contrast of gray matter and white matter between in vivo and in situ postmortem rat brain

Jie Luo 1 and Dmitriy Yablonskiy 1

1 Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States

The phase contrasts obtained by gradient echo MRI provides complimentary information on brain anatomy. One of the ways to understanding the biophysical origins of the phase contrast relies on postmortem studies. However, to what extend and how fast postmortem changes affect MR tissue properties are not known. In this pilot study, we have demonstrated for the first time changes in the gray/white matter phase contrast and R2* during transition from live to postmortem conditions. Our data are in agreement with minor role of blood oxygenation level on gray/white matter phase contrast and major role on changes in R2* contrast.

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contrastpostmortembrainfrequencywhitebloodgraylivemapstissuedecreasein vivokeptcontinuedcortex