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Abstract #3180

Accuracies of the Laplacian based phase processing methods

Saifeng Liu 1 , Sagar Buch 1 , and E. Mark Haacke 1,2

1 School of Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2 Department of Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, United States

The Laplacian of phase has been frequently used in background phase removal in QSM. To calculate the Laplacian of phase, the wrapped phase differences together with discrete Laplacian operator can be used, or the trigonometric functions together with Fourier transform (continuous Laplacian operator) can be used. Former studies have shown errors associated with veins in the phase images processed using continuous Laplacian operators. In this study, both discrete and continuous Laplacian operators are evaluated using simulated and in vivo data, in order to understand the source of the error associated with veins in the processed phase images.

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