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Abstract #3095

Trial-wise Investigation of Cerebral Blood Volume Change in Human Brain at 7T

Laurentius Huber 1 , Aneurin Kennerley 2 , Dimo Ivanov 3 , Claudine Gauthier 1 , Harald E. Mller 1 , and Robert Turner 1

1 Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2 Department of Psychology, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 3 Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Inter-trial variation of stimulus-induced fMRI signal response is investigated with respect to BOLD and its underlying CBV changes with a recently developed multi-echo VASO sequence. The most striking result is that the post-stimulus CBV has a post stimulus undershoot (PSU) followed by an overshoot in an oscillating manner. The characteristic time course of the well described BOLD PSU appears only after averaging across trials. Mechanisms underlying inter-trial variations can be investigated by means of correlating several separate features of individual trials, e.g. initial response vs. PSU amplitude.

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