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Abstract #3034

Validation of the temporal signal change caused by acupuncture stimulation with Multi-band acquisition .

Tomokazu Murase 1 , Masahiro Umeda 2 , Masaki Fukunaga 3 , Katsuya Maruyama 4 , Yuko Kawai 2 , Yasuharu Watanabe 2 , Chuzo Tanaka 1 , and Toshihiro Higuchi 1

1 Neurosurgery, Meiji University of Integrated Medicine, Nantan-shi, Kyoto, Japan, 2 Medical Informatics, Meiji University of Integrated Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 3 Biofunctional Imaging, Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 4 Research&Collaboraton, Siemens Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan

We used MB-EPI and deconvolution analysis to examine the temporal signal change, at a high time resolution, in brain activity caused by acupuncture stimulation. For statistical analysis, 3dDeconvolve, which is part of the AFNI package, was used to extract the impulse response functions (IRFs) of the fMRI signals on a voxel-wise basis. Delayed and long-sustained increases of the signal induced by the real acupuncture were observed after stimulation. Especially, in real acupuncture, significantly delayed and long-sustained increases of BOLD signals were observed in several brain regions related to pain perception than those observed in sham acupuncture and palm scrubbing.

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