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Abstract #2802

1 H/ 19 F MRI of histological tumor sections using a double tunable surface coil

Gunthard Lykowsky 1 , Thomas Christian Basse-Lsebrink 1 , Thomas Kampf 2 , Michael Hess 3 , Stephanie Weibel 3 , Aladar A. Szalay 4 , Peter Michael Jakob 1,2 , and Daniel Haddad 1

1 Research Center for Magnetic Resonance Bavaria e.V., Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2 Department for Experimental Physics 5, University of Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 3 Department of Biochemistry, University of Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 4 Genelux Corporation, San Diego, CA, United States

Within the last few years, 19F MRI was successfully applied to numerous research questions. For 19F-based cell tracking, ex-vivo MRI in combination with immunohistochemistry is often performed to validate in-vivo findings. Unfortunately, due to different sample geometries and sizes, the correlation of the different imaging modalities is limited. For 1H MRI, coils optimized for imaging of histological samples have been successfully applied. The current work expands the concept of 1H MRI on histological tissue samples to 1H/19F MRI using a double-tunable surface coil, thus allowing correlation between the 1H/19F MR data and histology.

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