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Abstract #2755

Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI Perfusion in a Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction (UUO) Mouse Model

Wei Zha 1 , David J. Niles 1 , Shannon Reese 2 , Arjang Djamali 2 , and Sean B. Fain 1

1 Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2 Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, United States

Quantitative renal perfusion is promising for the diagnosis and prognosis of kidney function. This study used DCE-MRI to monitor renal perfusion changes during obstructive nephropathy in a 7-day unilateral ureteral obstruction mouse model. A 3-compartmental model was used to quantify the tissue perfusion with gamma-variate curve fitting. Decreased cortical perfusion was found in the obstructed kidney in both NADPH oxidase isoform2 (NOX2) knock out (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice on Day 7. Results suggest the alteration in renal perfusion may be an early, sensitive indicator of the progression of renal fibrosis.

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