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Abstract #2723

Arterial spin labelling characterization of cerebral perfusion during normal maturation from late childhood into adulthood: normal reference range values

Patrick W Hales 1 , Jamie M Kawadler 1 , Sarah E Aylett 2 , Fenella J Kirkham 3 , and Christopher A Clark 1

1 Imaging & Biophysics Unit, Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2 Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 3 Neurosciences Unit, Institute of Child Health, Univsersity College London, London, United Kingdom

We used arterial spin labelling MRI to measure changes in cerebral haemodynamics during normal development, between 8-32 years of age. We present mean and normal reference ranges for T1, M0 (equilibrium longitudinal magnetization), cerebral blood flow (CBF), bolus arrival time and bolus duration. A negative correlation with age was seen in CBF and T1 throughout cortical grey matter. Increased bolus dispersion with age was observed in the anterior and posterior arterial territories, and gender differences were seen in the evolution of M0. These data will help when optimizing ASL protocols for paediatric imaging, and identifying age-matched perfusion abnormalities in pathologies.

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