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Abstract #2443

Myocardial T 2 * mapping free of distortion using susceptibility weighted RARE imaging at 7 Tesla

Katharina Fuchs 1 , Fabian Hezel 1 , Celal Oezerdem 1 , Lukas Winter 1 , and Thoralf Niendorf 1,2

1 Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.), Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 2 Experimental and Clinical Resarch Center, a joint cooperation between the Charit Medical Faculty and the Max-Delbrueck Center, Berlin, Germany

T 2 * mapping is an emerging technique holding the promise to provide advancement in myocardial tissue characterization. The linear relationship between magnetic field strength and microscopic susceptibility renders it conceptually appealing to pursue myocardial T 2 * mapping at ultrahigh fields. Gradient echo based techniques show pronounced propensity to susceptibility artifacts due to the required long echo times. This work investigates the feasibility of RARE based T 2 * mapping at 7 T using bowtie antennas to offset RF power deposition and RF non-uniformity constraints. Myocardial T 2 * mapping at 7 T is feasible and provides susceptibility weighted images and T 2 * maps free of distortion.

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