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Abstract #2244

Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI of the pancreatic adenocarcinomas: Characterization and Histopathological Correlations

Chao Ma 1 , Yanjun Li 1 , Luguang Chen 1 , Yang Wang 2 , Yong Zhang 3 , He Wang 3 , Shiyue Chen 1 , and Jianping Lu 1

1 Radiology, Changhai Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2 Pathology, Changhai Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 3 MR group, GE healthcare, Shanghai, Shanghai, China

The purpose of the study was to identify prospectively potential associations between the DWI-derived IVIM parameters such as f (perfusion fraction), ADCfast (pseudo-diffusion coefficient), ADCslow (the tissue diffusivity) and these parameters with the commonly used DWI-derived ADCs of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and the tumor grade as well as other pathological features.

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