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Abstract #2110

Erythropoietin improves cerebral malaria outcome in mice by attenuating brain edema and enhancing perfusion

Raman Saggu 1 , Emilie Pecchi 1 , Guillaume Duhamel 1 , Dorothe Faille 2 , Frdric Frassineti 3 , Laurent Daniel 3 , Georges Grau 4 , Monique Bernard 1 , Patrick J Cozzone 1 , and Angele VIOLA 1

1 Aix-Marseille Universit-CRMBM UMR CNRS 7339, Marseille, France, 2 Laboratoire d'Hmatologie et d'Immunologie Biologiques - U698, Paris, France, 3 Service dAnatomie Pathologique, Hpital la Timone, Marseille, France, 4 The University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia

Cerebral malaria (CM) is the most lethal complication in the course of Plasmodium infection. Our purpose was to decipher the mechanisms by which EPO ameliorates CM in mice. We used an approach combining MRI techniques at high field (conventional MRI, perfusion MRI with the pCASL technique and angiography) for in vivo cerebral studies, with immunological and histological techniques. Our results show that administration of EPO prevents brain edema in responding animals, which is the cause of death in sham-treated CM mice. Our results demonstrate that EPO enhance brain perfusion via both short-term non-erythropoietic effects of EPO, and long-term erythropoietic effects.

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