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Abstract #2089

Pre-symptomatic Degeneration and Dysmyelination of Axons in a Huntingtons Mouse Model Revealed by Diffusion Tensor MRI

Allen Q. Ye 1 , Rodolfo Gatto 1,2 , Ehsan Tavassoli 2 , M. Andrea Buenaventura 2 , Gerardo A. Morfini 2 , and Richard L. Magin 1

1 Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States

The cause of Huntingtons disease (HD) is well defined; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying these deficits remain unknown. In this abstract, we explore the use diffusion tensor imaging of double transgenic YFP-R6/2 mouse, which allows the direct visualization of HD through intrinsic fluorescent properties, in pre-symptomatic mice. Both diffusion tensor imaging and quantitative immunofluorescence studies showed differential degeneration of axonal fibers across the corpus callosum (CC) long before the development of HD-like motor symptoms.

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